• Recordings
  • Documents

Recordings of the presentations

Judit Bayer – The relationship between media reporting and public trust

EUFLP 2023 – Roundtable on the image of justice in media reports

Dirk Vorhoof – The influence of media on certain court cases, and the transparency of the judiciary

Andrea Moravčíková – How can media influence a fair trial

Vasko Magleshov – What do journalists need from legal professionals for responsible press reporting

EUFLP 2023 – Roundtable discussion on Interventions on responsible press reporting

EUFLP 2023 – Roundtable discussion on the common interests of journalists and legal professionals in a rule-of-law crisis

Recordings of the presentations

The future of the legal professions
Professor Matthias Kilian
click here to play the video

The image of the legal professions
Anuja Ravindra Dhir
click here to play the video

The image of the legal professions
Giulia Guagliardi
click here to play the video

Access to the legal professions
Patrick Gielen
click here to play the video

Access to the legal professions
Alix Frank-Thomasser
click here to play the video